EZ-Pass Replacement Stickers


1. Submit this completed form and mail a check payable to “Stonebridge Estates Homeowners Association” in the amount of $30.00 for each sticker you are requesting, to HPM Property Management, Attn: Mary, at 108 Terryville Rd Port Jefferson Station, New York 11776.

2. When HPM receives the above, the EZ passes will be given to the guards in the Booth to install on your vehicle.

3. The Guards will call you when they have the new sticker in their possession. Dolores and Anthony are the only guards authorized to install the EZ Passes during their shifts from 8 AM until 4 PM. Dolores is on duty Mon., Wed., Fri., and Sat. Anthony is on duty Tues and Sunday.

4. When notified, bring the vehicle to the guard booth that requires the replacement EZ Pass. The vehicle must match the information on the form or the Guards will not install the EZ pass on that vehicle.


    Personal Information

    Additional EZ-Pass Sticker #1 Information

    Additional EZ-Pass Sticker #2 Information